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The application portal for the Global Studies Program is now open.


  Deadlines for the 2025 Application Cycle

Deadline to submit an application is Monday, February 17, 2025 at 5:00 pm.

Decisions will be released via email on Thursday, February 27, 2025.

All accepted students must declare their track by Friday, March 7, 2025 in order to reserve a place in the major.

 Admissions Process


Undergraduate students from across the University may apply for entrance to the Global Studies major in the spring semester of their first* or second year. Students who apply in their first year may apply again in their second year if not admitted.

*Please note, students interested in the Global Public Health track may only apply in their second year.


Newly admitted third year transfer students can apply for entrance to the major in May, as soon as they have been notified of their admission to the University. We will not accept transfer applications after July 11, 2025. Transfer students should email their application materials directly to Caterina Eubanks (

 Application Materials

Assemble all three documents into a single PDF file and save using the following naming convention:  [Your Full Name] - [Track you are applying to] - GS Application. 

Example: example of application file name

The following documents are required to apply:

  1. TRANSCRIPT - An unofficial one that you print from SIS is sufficient.
  2. RESUME - Include important extracurricular activities, work experience, academic honors, and other relevant experiences.
  3. PERSONAL STATEMENT - No more than 500 words (total for the entire statement), typed and double-spaced. Please answer the following questions based on the track you are interested in:
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Global Development Studies (GDS)

  • Why are you interested in entering the Global Development Studies track of the Global Studies major?
  • What is your conception of development and what issues in development have interested you to this point?
  • What is your proposed area of study within the major, and how would you support that area of study with courses, research, etc.? 
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Global Public Health (GPH)

  • Why are you interested in entering the Global Public Health track of the Global Studies major?
  • What is your proposed area or particular topic of study within the major, and how would you support that area of study with courses, research, etc.? Please be specific in describing how you will design your program of study.
  • What are your future plans and professional goals, and how would the GPH program contribute to these goals?
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Global Environments & Sustainability (GSVS)

  • Why are you interested in the Global Environments + Sustainability track of the Global Studies major?
  • What is your proposed area of focus within the major, and how would you support that focus with courses, research and/or study abroad? Focus areas may be geographical or topical, such as water, food, energy, urbanism, business, social equity, environmental restoration, etc.
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Global Security & Justice (GSSJ)

  • Why are you interested in majoring in Global Studies with a concentration in Security and Justice?
  • What specific issues of global security and justice most concern you? 
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Global Commerce in Culture & Society (GCCS)

  • If you are admitted to GCCS, in your fourth year capstone seminar you will do research independently about an issue of your own choosing. Imagine you are in that seminar now: what issue would you take on? In a 500-word essay, describe this issue, explain its importance, and tell us what fields or subjects you would need to learn more about to research it. You will not need to actually stay with the topic you write about for this application; we understand that your interests may change. We just want to get a sense of the kind of issues that interest you and how you approach them. 


 Submitting Your Application

You may only apply to a maximum of two (2) tracks. If you have any questions about the application process, please email Caterina Eubanks (

Apply Now! 


 Application FAQs:

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Q: For the personal statement, do I need to write 500 words for each question prompt/bullet, or 500 words total?

A: Your essay should not exceed 500 words total.

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Q: I accidentally labeled my file name incorrectly. Should I re-upload my application?

A: There is no need to re-upload. Your file name does not impact your application status.

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Q: Does applying to more than one track negatively impact my ability to get into a certain track?

A: No, all applications are reviewed independently of each other. Applying to one track does not impact the decision of another track.

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Q: How do I know if my application was submitted successfully?

A: If you successfully submit your application, you will see a message similar to the below appear on your computer screen upon hitting "submit". You will also receive a confirmation email from "". If you are worried your application was not received, please email Caterina Eubanks ( She will be reviewing all submissions and following up with students that appear to be missing a file. 

end of survey confirmation statement for Global Studies major

screenshot of thank you message students receive when they successfully submit their application

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Q: I haven't completed the pre-requisites. Can I still apply?

A: Yes. We encourage students to complete pre-reqs before entering the major, but you will not be disqualified if you haven't completed these yet. You must satisfy the pre-reqs at some point before graduation.

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Q: Can I double major in Global Studies and another department in the College or a major in another School?

A: Yes. Students may double major in Global Studies and other majors across the University, including students studying in the College of Arts & Sciences and the Schools of Architecture, Commerce, Education, Engineering, and Public Policy.

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Q: I'm a first year interested in applying to the Global Studies major. Can I apply this year?

A: Yes. We are accepting applications from current first year students. Please note, this does not apply to the Global Public Health Track. You may only apply to GPH in your second year. 

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Q: If I'm a first year and don't get accepted, can I apply again as a second year?

A: Yes. First years are allowed to apply again in their second year if their first application is rejected. Please note, applying twice does not guarantee admission to the program. 

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Q: I missed the application deadline. Can I still apply? 

A: As a policy, we do not accept late applications. If you think you're going to miss the deadline, please email Caterina Eubanks (tqr8cf@virginia.edubefore the deadline to pre-arrange an extension. 

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Q: I'm a second year transfer student. When should I apply to the major?

A: You can apply to the major during the regular cycle in February. The transfer student deadline in the summer only applies to incoming third-years.