Course Archive
Spring 2024 Courses
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Global Development Studies
GDS 4991 – Fourth-Year Seminar
In this seminar, GDS majors complete their GDS research paper. Prerequisite: Instructor permission AND the student must be a GDS major in order to enroll.
W 03:30PM-06:00PM | WIL 214
David Edmunds & Robin Garcia
Global Enironments & Sustainability
GSVS 4991 – Capstone Seminar- GSVS
This course is the required Capstone Seminar in the Global Environments and Sustainability track of Global Studies.
W 03:30PM-6:00PM | MON 116
Phoebe Crisman & Spencer Phillips
Global Public Health
PHS 4991 - Global Public Health Capstone
Explores topics in global public health and the myriad of governmental and non-governmental entities whose goal is to address and resolve problems encountered in global public health and synthesizes the student's interdisciplinary studies in global public health, culminating in a Capstone Paper.
001, 002, 003, 004
W 1:00PM - 3:25PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital C1
Chris Colvin, Kathryn Quissell, Paige Hornsby, and Rupa Valdez
Global Security & Justice
GSSJ 4991 – Capstone Seminar (2 sections)
This is the capstone seminar for students in the Security and Justice track of Global Studies. Instructor Permission.
W 03:30PM-6:00PM | CAB 111
Peter Furia
W 03:30PM-6:00PM | CAB 207
Tayyab Safdar
Global Studies – Middle East & South Asia
GSMS 4991 – Fourth-Year Seminar
In this seminar, GSMS majors complete their GSMS research paper. Instructor Permission.
W 03:30PM-06:00PM | CAB 064
Tessa Farmer
Global Commerce in Culture & Society
GCCS 4991 – Fourth-Year Seminar
In this course, Global Commerce in Culture and Society students will complete a 25-page research paper, as the culminating work of the major. Each student will choose readings relevant to his or her project, present them to the class and lead class discussion. Global Commerce in Culture and Society concentration only. Second Writing Requirement. Instructor Permission.
T 03:30PM-06:00PM | CAB 338
Ira Bashkow
GDS 3114 – 001 – Science, Technology & Development
TR 03:30PM-04:45PM | SHN 107
David Edmunds
This course will outline current debates about scientific and technical interventions in global development. We will look at case studies in broad areas in which UVA has considerable expertise: the built environment, public health, climate change and programming. Students will be asked to research a techno-scientific problem of their choosing, and analyze it using the concepts we discuss in class.
GDS 4952 – 001 – University Museums Internship
F 10:00AM-12:30PM | FHL 208
Melissa Love
This is the second semester internship at either the Fralin Museum of Art or Kluge Ruhe Aboriginal Art Museum. Students will work approximately 100 hours per semester in the museum, and will participate in three training sessions and three academic seminars. ARTH/GDS 4951 and instructor permission. Please see information at and
Combined with ANTH 4952
GSVS 2050 – 001 – Sustainable Energy Systems
TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | WIL 101
James Groves
This course investigates a major source of human impact upon the Earth - energy consumption to fuel human activity. The course a) provides a cross-disciplinary perspective on the challenge of human-centered energy use, b) explains the historical origins of today's energy systems, c) describes current energy systems, d) examines the components of sustainable energy systems, and e) considers keys to their deployment.
GSVS 3150 – 001 – Sustainability Leadership
TR 11:00AM-12:15PM | RTN 152
Fiona Hogan
In this experiential, workshop-based course, students will develop leadership skills in translating ideas into action, using UVA's Grounds as a living lab for sustainability - the campus as a sustainability classroom. Students will gain insight into a process in which individuals can catalyze change to solve global problems and advance strategic goals on a local level through a place-based, project-based, and human-centered approach.
GSVS 4020 – 001 – Ecosystem Services: How Nature Benefits People
TR 02:00PM-03:15PM | CAB 364
Spencer Phillips
In this course, students will learn how to trace the "causal chains" from such actions/inactions to various ecosystem, social, and economic outcomes and to measure and value those outcomes. We will consider the philosophical/ethical underpinnings of the Ecosystem Services framework, use computer mapping and other software tools for evaluation, and review current applications of the framework by private and public sector entities.
PHS 3050 – 001 – Fundamentals of Public Health
TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | OMS C1
Paige Hornsby
Public health is multidisciplinary, universally relevant, & constantly evolving. In this survey course, we learn about past & current public health issues & explore the core disciplines of public health through a combination of lectures & small group discussion of documentaries & case studies. We develop an appreciation of how public health knowledge relates to our lives & learn about career opportunities.
PHS 3102 – 001 – Introduction to Public Health Research: Population Data Analysis
R 3:30PM-5:50PM | MON 134
Rajesh Balkrishnan
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge & skills needed to use population data to answer research questions. Students will utilize SPSS to access, evaluate, & interpret public health data. The course will give students an opportunity to generate hypotheses & variables to measure health problems. The course will also describe how the public health infrastructure is used to collect, process, maintain & disseminate data.
PHS 3104 – 001 – Introduction to Epidemiology: Methodological and Ethical Considerations
TR 2:00PM-3:15PM | OMS C1
Josh Colston
This course is an introduction to epidemiology at the undergraduate level. Using epidemiology as a framework, class participants are challenged to engage more thoughtfully with many of the big issues facing the world today. The course emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and the scientific method, collaboration in teams, and ethical principles and reasoning in this process.
PHS 3825 – 001 – Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations
T 9:30AM-12:00PM | OMS 3181
Chris Colvin
Undoubtedly, we've made important advances in global health, but there's still a long way to go. What factors determine health? What threats do we face today? What issues should we be working to change? We will explore these questions & more through a variety of interactive lectures & small group activities centered on 4 major themes: History & Trends, Determinants of Health, Culture, & Communication.
PHS 4050 – 001 – Pubic Health Policy
TR 12:30PM-1:45PM | ROB 116
Kathryn Quissell
Explores the legitimacy, design, & implementation of a variety of policies aiming to promote public health & reduce the social burden of disease & injury. Highlights the challenge posed by public health's pop-based perspective to traditional ind-centered, autonomy-driven approaches to bioethics & const. law. Other themes center on conflicts between PH & pub morality & the relationship between PH and social justice.
GSGS 2400 – 001 – Mass Migration & Global Development
TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | COC 115
Levi Vonk
This course explores migration's relation to global development initiatives. When do migrants "count" in development projects, and when do they not? What kinds of political, social, and economic claims are migrants permitted to make on their own terms, and when are these claims mediated by development and humanitarian initiatives?
GSGS 3112 – 001 – Global Perspectives Corruption
R 03:30PM-06:00PM | WIL 301
Sylvia Tidey
This course takes an ethnographically informed approach to the question of how to understand corruption by examining practices of and perspectives on corruption from across the globe - including the so-called Global North. It aims to encourage students to 1) critically assess assumptions at the heart of international anti-corruption discourses; 2) examine tensions between global discourses of corruption and local practices; 3) compare and contrast corruption between different localities.
GSGS 3330 – 001 – Ecological Economics: Economics as if People and Thermodynamics Mattered
TR 11:00AM-12:15PM | CLK G004
Spencer Phillips
Ecological Economics augments standard economics by stressing the coevolution of natural systems with human institutions, including markets, and elevating sustainability and justice (not merely efficiency) as essential societal goals. In this course, students examine ecological-economic relationships, outcomes, challenges, and solutions, in the context of local and global agricultural, resource, environmental, and development issues.
GSGS 3559 – 001 – Understanding 'New Silk Roads'
MW 02:00PM-03:15PM | CAB 027
Tayyab Safdar
In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in speeches in Kazakhstan and Indonesia, highlighted invoked images of a prosperous and peaceful past linking different civilizations along ancient trade routes over the land and sea as part of the ‘Silk Road(s).’ Christened as the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) or the New Silk Roads, the Chinese-led initiative with a focus on improving connectivity and infrastructure has garnered significant interest since its launch. Most recently, China hosted leaders from the global South for the Third Belt & Road Forum. While the West was missing, the Forum was attended by leaders from several countries in the global South, plus Russia. But what is the BRI? Is it a strategic tool deployed by China for global domination as it ensnares countries in positions of economic servitude using economic tools? Or is it a ploy to alter the existing ‘rules-based’ international order? Or does it offer an alternative route to prosperity for developing countries that have eagerly signed up for the BRI? These are some important questions we will address in the course. Through the course, we'll develop a better understanding of the New Silk Roads, the actors involved, their incentives and the implications for Global Security and development.
GSGS 3559 – 002 – Savage South: Culture, Migration, and Disruption
TR 02:00PM-03:15PM | GIB 041
Levi Vonk
Have you ever wondered why people in "the South" - whether in the US South or the Global South - seem to be persistently stereotyped as backwards, undeveloped, and lazy?
In this course, we will examine how these supposedly "savage southerners" (as well as other scary people "south of the border") are constructed through class, race, gender, language, and national/regional identity. We will investigate why southerners are so frequently perceived as those who just "can't get it right" - whether that be within the project of American liberalism or global capitalism - especially in relation to the foil of the savage southerner: the allegedly "enlightened northerner."
We will especially pay attention to how histories of migration and colonialism have shaped this notion of "the South." We'll ask questions like: Who gets to count as "southern?" What happens if we think of the US South as both quasi-colony and quasi-colonizer? And how have migrations of southerners - from the Great Migration of black Americans to northern US cities, to the mass migrations of Central Americans and Mexicans to the US - disrupted certain "northern" narratives of civilization and socioeconomic progress?
GSGS 3559 – 003 – Indigenous Technologies & Climate Change
TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | RTN 152
Robin Garcia
This course takes a central focus on native Hawaiian responses to climate change. It looks at Indigenous ecosystems, food and lifeways play in contemporary native Hawaiian cultural revitalization projects and responses to development. It also looks comparatively at Indigenous ecosystems among first people communities in California, South Dakota, and Virginia. While the central focus of the course is on Indigenous approaches to climate change, we will also consider how access to land, ancestral history, language, and federal recognition play a role in approaches to the climate change.
Combined with AMST 3559
GSGS 3559 – 004 – Ecocinema in the Global South
TR 02:00PM-03:15PM | FHL 215
Rolando Vargas
A discussion on the production, research, and community engagement of ecocinema. We will study a selection of films produced in the last years to reflect and discuss climate change, environmental/man-made decisions, ecojustice, environmental racism, consumerism, and waste.
Combined with ANTH 3591-002
GSGS 4150 – 001 – State, Society, & Development
M 02:00PM-04:30PM | CAB 183
Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner
This seminar offers an examination of the state, civil society, and citizens, focusing on the ways in which these actors and institutions interact to shape economic, human, and political development. The course introduces theories of the state, civil society, and citizenship, and examines the linkages between these spheres, applying these theories to substantive issues and policy arenas.
GSGS 4200 – Applied Research in Global Studies (2 Sections)
TR 09:30AM-10:45AM | CAB 232
David Edmunds & Levi Vonk
TR 09:30AM-10:45AM | CAB 309
David Edmunds & Levi Vonk
In this course, students gain experience applying global perspectives, as well as research methods and techniques, to one of several real-world issues. Team-taught, the course allows students to choose a path that includes a methodological foundation, a deep dive into a particular method, a chance to practice a useful skills related to Global Studies professions, and culminating in the applied research project.