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Laura Kun (PST), Talib Kante (PST), Grace Shawah (GDS), Justin Gabriele (GDS), Tytus Suchotinunt (GSVS), Meredith Hicks (PST), Abba Kodiaga (GPH intended) presented to City Council in a special session on the Community Development Block Grants. Specifically, the students shared ideas for deepening the democratic decision-making around how these grants are allocated. They worked under the mentorship of Cam Gaillard (seated in the back in red), Joy Johnson and others from the Public Housing Association of Residents. As well as Laura Goldblatt (seated in the back in a dark sweater and red top) and David Edmunds of Global Studies at UVA. 

Students will continue working to follow up on the presentation in the coming months.

Photos captured by Mayor Juandiego Wade

Students present at city council
Students present at city council