Chirine El Ansary is a storyteller, performer, and scholar from Egypt. Her show, Hoda Day and Night, shares the stories of Egyptian women in post-revolution Cairo based on their own words, and examines what life is like in the wake of mass democratic resistance and political shifts. We discover how embedded the women are in the urban fabric of their city and come to value their experiential knowledge of their history and culture. Hoda Day and Night advocates oral transmission of informal knowledge as small-scale democratic practice.
PLEASE RSVP HERE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hoda-day-and-night-a-storytelling-performance-tickets-719902225937?aff=oddtdtcreator
For more than twenty years, Chirine has toured widely and served as storyteller-in-residence throughout the Middle East, North America and Europe, and additionally offers storytelling and performance workshops. Her work speaks to issues of heritage, voice, political participation, gender, postcolonialism, and daily life, and she offers critical reinterpretations of The One Thousand and One Nights that bring back the subversive elements of the paradigm to shed light on contemporary concerns. She holds an MA in Performance from Goldsmiths College, University of London, and will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled Performing in a Dominated Body, at Goldsmiths College in their practice-as-research program in October 2023.
Sponsored by Global Studies, The Democratic Futures Project, and UVA Global.