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Fall 2025 Courses

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GSGS 2000 –  Intro to Global Studies

This interdisciplinary course introduces students to critical global economic and cultural issues and examines globalization at a variety of scales of analysis (planetary, regional, national, individual). The goal is to provide understanding of the main conceptual approaches to global studies and thus enhance their ability to understand and evaluate important real-world issues and problems.

MW 02:00PM-03:15PM | WIL 301

Tessa Farmer



Global Commerce in Culture & Society

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GCCS 3010 –  Theories and Perspectives

Theories and cases studies concerning social, cultural and historical aspects of business, trade, finance, organizations, property systems, regulation and work. How are economic institutions and systems of exchange shaped by social and cultural contexts that they affect in turn?  What alternative ways of organizing commerce are suggested by world comparative and historical study?


TR 11:00AM-12:15PM | WNR 110 

Laura Goldblatt

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GCCS 3100 –  Studying Global Commerce

This is one of the two introductory core courses in the GCCS major. It surveys academic research on topics that are salient to contemporary global commerce: the global and the local; illicit trade; the body across borders; global labor; technology and digital infrastructures; trade and physical infrastructures; companies and climate change; global economic governance; and social goals in the international division of labor.


R 03:30PM-6:00PM | CHM 206

Pierre Fink


Global Development Studies

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GDS 3100 –  Development on the Ground

Examines the protocols of planning for and conducting development projects and the research associated with them both locally and internationally. Special attention to the ethical obligations inherent in development work and the dynamics of collaborating with local communities. Prerequisite: Instructor permission AND the student must be a GDS major in order to enroll.


TR 11:00AM-12:15PM | CAB 489 

David Edmunds


Global Environments & Sustainability

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GSVS 2150 – Global Sustainability

This integrated and interdisciplinary course provides foundational knowledge on the multifaceted aspects of both problems and solutions related to sustainability, and challenges participants to deepen their understanding of global sustainability issues through a real-world, collaborative Think Global/ Act Local project.


TR 11:00AM-12:15PM | WIL 301

Spencer Phillips 

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GSVS 3310 – Sustainability Policy

Students will survey the main currents of US & international natural resource policy (air & water quality, endangered species protection, public land management, private land conservation), consider their origins in conservation thought, and learn to evaluate these policies via examples and assignments from current natural resource and environmental challenges. Students will learn about the actors and processes by which policy decisions are made.


TR 09:30AM-10:45AM | GIB 211 

Spencer Phillips 


Global Security and Justice

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GSSJ 3010 – Global Security and Justice

This is the foundation course for students admitted to the Global Studies-Security and Justice track of Global Studies.


MW 02:00PM-03:15PM | CAB 132

Peter Furia


Global Public Health

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PHS 3825 –  Global Public Health: Challenges and Innovations

Undoubtedly, we've made important advances in global health, but there's still a long way to go. What factors determine health? What threats do we face today? What issues should we be working to change? We will explore these questions & more through a variety of interactive lectures & small group activities centered on 4 major themes: History & Trends, Determinants of Health, Culture, & Communication. Instructor Permission.


T 02:00PM-04:30PM | Multistory (Old) Hospital C1 

Chris Colvin

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PHS 4050 –  Public Health Policy

Explores the legitimacy, design, & implementation of a variety of policies aiming to promote public health & reduce the social burden of disease & injury. Highlights the challenge posed by public health's pop-based perspective to traditional ind-centered, autonomy-driven approaches to bioethics & const. law. Other themes center on conflicts between PH & pub morality & the relationship between PH and social justice. Instructor Permission.


TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | GIL 257

Kathryn Quissell

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PHS 4991 –  GPH Capstone

Explores topics in global public health and the myriad of governmental and non-governmental entities whose goal is to address and resolve problems encountered in global public health and synthesizes the student's interdisciplinary studies in global public health, culminating in a Capstone Paper. Instructor consent required.


W 11:00AM-01:30PM | MHP 3016

Paige Hornsby

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PHS 3102 –  Intro to Public Health Research: Population Data Analysis

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge & skills needed to use population data to answer research questions. Students will utilize SPSS to access, evaluate, & interpret public health data. The course will give students an opportunity to generate hypotheses & variables to measure health problems. The course will also describe how the public health infrastructure is used to collect, process, maintain & disseminate data. Instructor consent required.


R 06:00PM-08:30PM | CHM 206

Rajesh Balkrishnan

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PHS 3104 –  Intro to Epidemiology

This course is an introduction to epidemiology at the undergraduate level. Using epidemiology as a framework, class participants are challenged to engage more thoughtfully with many of the big issues facing the world today. The course emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and the scientific method, collaboration in teams, and ethical principles and reasoning in this process.


MW 02:00PM-03:15PM | MHP C1

Jean Eby

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PHS 3130 –  Introduction to Health Research Methods

Much of what we know about human health & health-related behavior is based on quant & qual research. This course involves students in the research process from start to finish, including formulating a research question; conducting a background literature review; choosing a study design; developing data collection tools; recruiting a study population; collecting data; assuring data quality; analyzing data; & interpreting & presenting results. Instructor permission.


TR 09:30AM-10:45AM | Multistory (Old) Hospital C1 

Aaron Pannone

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PHS 3620 –  Built Environment & Health Impact

The planning & design of the built environment to promote public health & equity requires systems thinking & a trandisciplinary approach to research. Students will learn & apply collaborative research methods including scientific health literature review, diagramming concepts, & case study analysis to synthesize logic models as theoretical frameworks for projects & policy. 


MWF 10:00AM-10:50AM | GIL 257

Schaeffer Somers



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GSGS 2100 – Intro to Islamic Worlds

This interdisciplinary course introduces students to critical global economic and cultural issues and examines globalization at a variety of scales of analysis (planetary, regional, national, individual). The goal is to provide understanding of the main conceptual approaches to global studies and thus enhance their ability to understand and evaluate important real-world issues and problems.

TR 11:00AM-12:15PM | WIL 142

Fatima Siwaju and Amir Syed

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GSGS 2400 - 001 – Mass Migration & Global Development 

This course explores migration's relation to global development initiatives. When do migrants "count" in development projects, and when do they not? What kinds of political, social, and economic claims are migrants permitted to make on their own terms, and when are these claims mediated by development and humanitarian initiatives?


TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | CMN G010

Levi Vonk


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GSGS 2400 - 002 – Mass Migration & Global Development 

This course explores migration's relation to global development initiatives. When do migrants "count" in development projects, and when do they not? What kinds of political, social, and economic claims are migrants permitted to make on their own terms, and when are these claims mediated by development and humanitarian initiatives?


TR 02:00PM-03:15PM | CMN G010

Levi Vonk



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GSGS 2610 – Global Systems of Inequality

This course covers social, economic, political, and cultural dimensions of inequality both within and between countries. We will discuss how systems like slavery, colonialism, and capitalism have entrenched unequal power relations across the globe; how structures of inequality are produced, legitimated, and reproduced at national and international scales; and how individuals experience and negotiate these structures.

TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | Drama Education Bldg 217

Andreja Siliunas

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GSGS 3117 – Dynamics of Great Power: View from the South

How do developing countries in the global South navigate the emergence of renewed great power competition? This class will explore the impact of European & non-Euro imperialism on large parts of the developing World. We will seek to answer this question by looking at the engagement of countries & actors in the global South with established and emerging powers in an increasingly multi-polar World.

TR 12:30PM-1:45PM | RTN 150

Tayyab Safdar

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GSGS 3118 – Space, Place & Global Development

Geography matters! We'll explore theories & cases to better understand issues as the struggle over the ocean/other public commons, the role of sacred spaces in Indigenous communities, how migrants make a place for themselves in their new homes, economic resilience and how capital, goods and people circulate in the economy, and more. This is a good introduction to themes raised in Global Studies.

TR 02:00PM-03:15PM | MON 134

David Edmunds

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GSGS 3350 – Dot Orgs: Getting Results in the Real World

Non-governmental organizations are essential in the work of building a sustainable, just, and aesthetically pleasant world. In this course, we examine the history and role of NGOs, explore the legal and institutional frameworks that govern them, and exercise skills in planning, budgeting, fundraising, and communications. Students study existing NGOs as examples and propose and plan for the launch of a new NGO to address unmet societal needs.

TR 02:00PM-03:15PM | CAB 291

Spencer Phillips

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GSGS 3559 – Order and Disorder in the Contemporary World

This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics in Global Studies.


W 03:30PM-06:00PM | NAU 242

Peter Furia

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GSGS 4100 – Activism for Social Justice

Each student or small group will develop a project, be matched with a Global Studies faculty mentor, identify relevant community groups, and spend the semester working on that project. Students will discuss ideas, formulate plans, identify tactics, and engage with important social justice literatures. Importantly, the course will engage with the project of activism itself, which has the potential to replicate systems of inequality.

MW 03:30PM-04:45PM | CAB 368

David Edmunds

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GSGS 4410 – Body Migrant

The Body Migrant is a course that uses the field of medical anthropology to rethink what body is. Specifically, it tries to conceive of the body as composed not only of its biological or physical components, but also of “external organs”—such as passports and other technologies—that structure its ability to move through the world as such.

TR 03:30PM-04:45PM | GIB 211

Levi Vonk

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GSGS 4510 – eGlobal: Part I - Sustainable Engagement in Rwanda

This two-part program will pair students in Rwanda studying at the University of Global Health Equity with UVA students to investigate global health topics relevant to both countries. In groups of four, students work over the course of the year on a research topic of their choice.  eGlobal provides a faculty-supported platform for UVA students to engage in meaningful long-term engagement with international peers.

Students in this course meet in individual groups at different times (based on group availability).

Online Course | Flexible Schedule (1 credit)

Marcel Durieux

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GSGS 4520 – GPE Part 1: Theoretical and Practical Global Engagement

This two semester course aims to prepare students for effective and culturally appropriate engagement in Global Health activities by providing a background in Global Health theory, key issues, and culturally appropriate practice. Discussion 1-2 landmark articles and case studies focused on Global Health, using the Partners in Health Engage Curriculum supplemented with other relevant articles authored by global partners and UVA faculty.

W 05:00PM-06:00PM | Center for Global Health Equity

Marcel Durieux

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GDS 4951 – University Museums Internship 

This is the first semester internship at either UVA Art Museum or Kluge Ruhe. Students will work approximately 100 hours per semester in the museum, and will participate in three training sessions and three academic seminars. Instructor Permission, by application; deadline May 1. Please see information at  

Crosslisted with ARTH 4951

F 10:00AM-12:30PM | FHL 208 

Melissa Jordan Love 

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PHS 3050 – Fundamentals of Public Health 

Public health is multidisciplinary, universally relevant, & constantly evolving. In this survey course, we learn about past & current public health issues & explore the core disciplines of public health through a combination of lectures & small group discussion of documentaries & case studies. We develop an appreciation of how public health knowledge relates to our lives & learn about career opportunities.

TR 12:30PM-01:45PM | MHP C1 

Paige Hornsby


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PHS 3186 – Comp. Health Care Systems

Provides a background for students who may be interested in learning about challenges & opportunities for improvement in health status for citizens in all countries. Although at the operational level, each national system is unique, there are common characteristics that permeate the design & structure of most health care delivery sectors. The major health reform activities occurring in developed & developing countries will be highlighted.

MWF 02:00PM-02:50PM | CAB 107

Kathryn Quissell