Fiona Greenland
Research Interests:
State Formation, Social Theory, Science and Technology Studies, Nationalism, Sociology of Culture, Archaeology, Art/Science Studies, and Ethnographic Methods
Fiona Rose Greenland is Assistant Professor of Sociology.
Her interests include state formation, social theory, science and technology studies, nationalism, sociology of culture, archaeology, art/science studies, and ethnographic methods
Selected Publications:
2018. Greenland, F. "Materiality and Consecration," American Behavioral Scientist. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0002764218801063
2018. Greenland, F. "Broadening the Landscape of Blackness," Contexts 17(3): 8-9.
2018. Greenland, F.R. "Material culture and the problem of agency, "American Journal of Cultural Sociology. doi: 10.1057/s41290-017-0054-6.
Forthcoming. Greenland, F.R. "The Central Park Obelisk and the importance of materiality in consecration," American Behavior Scientist. Cultural Consecration special issue (eds. T. Dowd & V. Schmutz)
2017. Greenland, F.R. "Freeports and steel containers: The corpora delicti of artefact trafficking," History and Anthropology 1: 15-20.
2016. Greenland, F.R. “Universalism, Nationalism, and the Italian Model of Repatriation” Brown Journal of World Affairs, 26(1).
2016. Rose-Greenland, F. “Color Perception in Sociology: Materiality and authenticity at the Gods in Color show.” Sociological Theory 34(2): 81-105.
2016. Hirschman, D., E. Berrey and F. Rose-Greenland. “Dequantifying diversity: affirmative action and admissions at the University of Michigan.” Theory and Society 45(3): 265-301.
2015. Lachmann, R. and F. Rose-Greenland. “Why we Fell: Declinist Writing and Theories of Imperial Failure in the Longue Durée.” Poetics 50: 1-19.
2014. Rose-Greenland, F. “Looters, Collectors, and a Passion for Antiquities at the Margins of Italian Society.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 19 (5): 570-582.
2013. Rose-Greenland, F. “Seeing the Unseen: Prospective Loading and Knowledge Forms in Archaeological Discovery.” Qualitative Sociology 36(3): 251-277. 10/2016 2
2013. Rose-Greenland, F. “The Parthenon Marbles as Icons of Nationalism in 19th Century Britain: From pre-national to supra-national.” Nations and Nationalism 19 (4): 654-673.
2010. Smock, P.J. and F. Rose-Greenland, “Diversity in Pathways to Parenthood in the U.S.: Patterns, Implications, and Emerging Research Directions.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 72(3): 576-593.
2007. Rose-Greenland, F. “Table for One: Drinking alone on women’s grave monuments from Roman Celtiberia.” Ancient West and East 6: 113-134.
2006. Greenland, F. “Devotio Iberica and the manipulation of ancient history to suit Spain's mythic nationalist past.” Greece and Rome 53(2): 235-251.
2003. Rose, F. “Text and image in Celtiberia: The adoption and adaptation of written language into indigenous visual vocabulary.” Oxford Journal of Archaeology 22(2): 155-176.