Dana Elzey
Research Interests
Dr. Elzey's research interests are in the processing, properties and mechanics of composites, modeling and optimization of microstructure evolution during processing, and active cellular materials.
Professional Experience and Memberships
Research staff of General Electric and the Max-Planck Institute of Germany
Honors and Awards
Harold S. Morton, Jr. Award for Teaching, University of Virginia 2000-2001
Materials Science & Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2002
Selected Publications
Mechanismen der Ermuedung and Kriech-Ermuedung in dispersionsgehaerteten Superlegierungen, D.M. Elzey, VDI Verlag, Reihe 5: Grund- und Werkstoffe, Nr. 175, 1989, pp. 252
Elzey, D.M. and Arzt, E., Crack Initiation and Propagation During Hight Temperature Fatigue of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Superalloys, Metallurgical Transactions A 22 837, 1991
Elzey, D.M. and Wadley, H.N.G., Modeling the Densification of Metal Matrix Composite Monotape, Acta Metall. et Mater. 41 (8) 2297, 1993
Elzey, D.M. Gampala, R. and Wadley, H.N.G., Power-Law Creep Blunting of Contacts and its implications for Consolidation Modeling, Acta Metall. et Mater. 44 (4), 1479, 1996
Elzey, D.M., Assessing the Affordability of Emerging Materials and Processes, JOM 50 (4), 22, 1998
Elzey, D.M., Vancheeswaran, R., Myers, S. and McLellan, R.G., Multi-criteria optimization in the design of composites for friction applications in: Brakes 2000 Automotive Braking - Technologies for the 21 st Century, eds. David Barton and Stephen Earle, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., London, UK, 197, 2000
D.M. Elzey, A.Y.N. Sofla and H.N.G. Wadley, A bio-inspired, high-authority actuator for shape morphing stuctures, in Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, D. Lagoudas, ed., Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5053, 2003
J.L. Gray, N. Singh, D.M. Elzey, R. Hull and J.A. Floro, Kinetic Size Selection Mechanicsms in Intrinsic Quantum Dot Molecules, Phys. Rev. Ltrs., accepted 2004