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Save The Date: Global Studies NGO Pitch Night flyer

Ever see a need in the world and think "There oughta be an NGO to work on that!"?  Well, that's just what students in the Global Studies course "Dot Orgs: Getting Things Done in the Real World" have been working on this semester.  

The students have been designing new nonprofit organizations from the ground up: laying out their mission and strategies, defining structures, building a budget, and writing fundraising plans to launch their organizations. And while this is, for now, a classroom exercise (so they're not asking for donations just yet!), they intend that the ideas could become living, breathing organizations in the future.

They want your feedback and insights on their proposed organizations, and we invite you to our pitch night on Monday, December 4 from 6-8 p.m. in the Brooks Hall CommonsThere, you'll hear their ideas for tackling issues like Environmental Justice and Domestic Violence and for providing services related to Housing, Urban Greenspace, and Humanitarian Relief.

We hope you join us for refreshments, moving presentations, and stimulating conversation.


Please RSVP using this link or the QR code below. 

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